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关于耳机知识您知道少? 新闻来源:http://www.yifeng-yfa.com/News-114.html 发布时间:2013.12.31



    耳机音域知识:乐器或人发出声音所能达到最高音与最低音之间的范围!耳机拉链的音域宽窄主要看耳机的频率响应,即耳机能够播放的最低频率到最高频率的范围,我们人类耳朵能够听到的频率范围是20赫兹到20000赫兹,如果拉链耳机音域范围越宽表示耳机的频响性能越高,是音质好的一个重要评价因素。Earphone range knowledge: instrument or human sound can reach the treble and the bass! Zipper headset range width mainly depends on the frequency response of the earphone, the earphone can play the lowest frequency to the highest frequency, the frequency range of our human ear can hear is 20 Hz to 20000 Hz, if zipper headset range wider frequency response of earphone said higher, is one of the important factors of evaluation of sound quality.

    耳机音色知识:又称声音的品质,是声音的基本属性之一,使听者可以根据它判断出两个具有相同的响度和音高的音是不相似的,拉链耳机的音色主要决定于声音频谱对人的刺激,但也决定于波形、声压、 频谱的频率位置和频谱对人耳朵的时间性刺激,音色使人能辨别出是不同的乐器甚至不同的人发出的声音,因此拥有一款好音色的拉链耳机才叫真正的好耳机。The headphones sound knowledge: also called the voice quality, is one of the basic attributes of sound, so that the listener can judge based on its two has the same loudness and pitch of sound is not similar, zipper headset timbre depends mainly on the sound spectrum of stimulation, but also determines the frequency position and spectral Yu Bo shape, sound pressure the spectrum of time, of the human ear of stimulation, the timbre make people can identify different instruments and different voices, so have a good tone zipper headset is really good headphones

    耳机信噪比知识:指信号的有用成份与杂音的强弱对比,常常用分贝数表示,拉链耳机品牌设备的信噪比越高表明它产生的杂音越少。The strength of the useful components and noise signal, often expressed in decibels, zipper headset brand equipment with higher SNR show that it produces less noise.

    耳机低频延伸:指音响器材所能重放的最低频率,是用于测定在重放低音时音响系统或音箱所能下潜到什么程度的尺度。比方说,小型超低音音箱的低频延伸可以到40Hz,而大型超低音音箱则下潜到16Hz。The low frequency sound equipment to replay, is used for the determination of the replay bass sound system or a speaker can dive to what extent the scale. For example, the low-frequency subwoofer small extension to 40Hz, and the large super bass sound box is down to 16Hz.

    耳机平衡知识:指音乐各声部的比例协调、左、右声道的一致性好。 The consistency of music each voice proportion coordination, left, right

    耳机力度知识:是指声音坚实有力,能有呼之欲出感,同时能反映出音源的动态范围。 Refers to the sound is solid and strong, can have apparent feeling, also can reflect the dynamic range of audio.

    声音真实感:是指拉链耳机声音能保持原声音的特点。Sound sense of reality: refers to the characteristics of zipper headset sound can keep the original sound.


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